Monday 7 November 2016

#HAWMC Day Six

Hello lovelies, 

Today's Prompt:
Superpower Sunday! If you had a superpower –
what would it be? How would you use it? 

What a fun question! For me, I'd love to be able to teleport for the most selfish reason possible! The question didn't say it needed to be so I could save the world so I'm going to have a superpower so I can go and visit all of my friends all over the world! 
I have made some amazing spoonie friends from places in America, the United Kingdom etc and I find it sad that for the majority of us, we won't get to meet. I don't have a lot of friends nearby and all I want to do is lay on a lounge and watch movies with my spoonie friends!
Hopefully one day I'll be able to meet some of them. It's such a wonderful connection you have when you find out someone is a spoonie!

I'm all caught up on the challenge now so I will hopefully be able to write a little more and put a little more thought into each day. 

Gentle hugs, 

#HAWCM Day Five

Hello lovelies,

Today's Prompt:

Are you all about 180 characters or less? Do you enjoy shooting the perfect photo? Or perhaps love sharing posts on Facebook.What’s your favorite platform to get your voice heard and why? 

Social media.... what an interesting thing. I personally use Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram. I believe they all have different purposes and completely different ways in interacting. I also think they have different "feels" to them. For instance, for me recently, I've found Facebook has become a rather negative place. It's become very political and anger fueled with sharing things I'd rather not have thrown in my face first thing in the morning! I find Snapchat fun and playful with all the different filters. 
Recently I've been using Twitter a lot. I like having to be creative in short characters. I also have met some lovely people on there. 
Instagram is another one I love. I have several different IG accounts for different things. 

Honestly I couldn't decide on a single platform, because I do think they all work differently. I love having this blog platform to share my thoughts and feelings and then sharing the post on all my social media. 

Gentle hugs,

Sunday 6 November 2016

#HAWMC Day Four

Hello lovelies, 

I'm almost caught up for #HAMWC! Just a few more to do!
Here's Day Four!

Write a letter to yourself for the day you were diagnosed, knowing you all know now. 

Dear Bridget, 
Oh sweetheart.... 
I remember the day we were diagnosed. I remember feeling happy because I finally got the acknowledgment that it wasn't all in my head, that I was actually sick and I finally had an answer. I had no idea that life would change this much though and that I'd be sitting here in bed 4 years later still on this journey. Going into this I think I had my blinders on, I was so focused in being diagnosed that I didn't really think of the future. I suppose thats life though, no one wants to think about where they'd be 5 years from now in a negative way. But life has changed. Please sit down to read this part because it might be hard....

You will still be sick. In fact, it's going to get worse. You'll add new illnesses to your health story and break your foot so badly it'll impact you daily for the rest of your life. 
Your friends will leave you. People can't handle you being sick. They only want the highlight reel and not the behind the scenes. It's going to hurt and be hard but you will get through it. You'll find the Spoonie community and after all these years finally meet "your people".
Speaking of your people.... Sami's just come back into your life as you were diagnosed. I remember being in the passenger seat messaging Sami to confirm your diagnosis. Oh how she was so important in helping you in the early stages of being sick. But my love, her health journey ends, so devastatingly to you. It'll rock you to your core and change you. You'll miss her every single day. The universe will help you though, Tara will come into your life and you'll have a new best friend who supports you every day. It's a friendship that will mean the world to you. 

You end up having to stop studying your Bachelor's Degree and finishing your tutoring business. It doesn't happen all at once, that would be too hard to handle. Instead its a slow ending goodbye in which you slow realize you can't handle working or studying without being so incredibly exhausted and sore. You'll miss it. But you have to do what is best for your health.
Reading this you're probably thinking- what else is there to life then? Yes, there's no work, no studying- but you become part of such an amazing community that you work to advocate for in ways you never thought possible. 

And you know what? You are still standing sweetheart.

Through the absolute struggle the last 4 years have been, you're still here and you're working so hard at not only living the best life you can, but a life in which you are working towards awareness for other's. I'm not here to tell you how to cope with your illnesses, tips or tricks or how to survive the heartache, I'm here to tell you in the end it will all be ok. You are waking up every day with a purpose. It's different from the life you lead 4 years ago, but in some ways it's more authentic. You've learnt to stand up for yourself, to actually have hobbies instead of working 24/7, how to just "be". You've become a pretty cool grown up who may have a hard life, but makes the most of it. 

#HAWMC- Day Three

Hello lovelies,
Here's Day Three!

Find a quote that inspires you and free write about it.

I feel like Fear is chronic illness. It's the first thing I thought of when I read this quote.
When we first become sick we are afraid, navigating through this new life with no idea what's happening or what is going to happen. I remember forgetting who I was because parts of myself weren't recognizable anymore. I was sitting in a boat and taking on water, holes all over and panicking. My goal was to simply manage to still float, scooping the water out as much as I could. Life at the start is an unknown. 
But then...
Then you get into the groove of being sick. Going back to the analogy, you learn how to patch up the holes in the boat. You're no longer merely surviving, but able to float, without that desperation of worrying about sinking. Sometimes you'll still worry, and sometimes you'll still take on a little water when you flare/ go through rough patches. But you're in this chronic illness phase of "maintenance" that makes life a lot easier. You learn how to live. 
Or you don't.
That's where I believe this quote comes into play. 
It's the fork in the road, or for this post's purposes, the fork in the river (are we on a river, or the sea? I guess that's for you to decide). You've overcome the early stages of being sick- been diagnosed, learnt about your triggers, learnt about pain management and the routine that is taking medications. 
This is where you need to decide, as the quote says- to run or rise. Or for those people still on my boat, to sink or sail.  It's not a conscious thought at all, it's an emotional reaction to the situation. For me, I decided to "Rise". I decided that I wanted to not only live a chronically ill life but to use it to my advantage and educate people on what life is like living with the notion of not getting better. I'm not saying that every day I wake up happy and positive and ready to shine. Far from it. But I don't allow myself to sink into that black hole that can so often come from being unwell. I refuse to focus on the negatives- the pain, the isolation and the fears. I'm not going to use my illnesses as excuse nor "Run" the other way and not tackle life head on. 
Life changes being sick. My 2011 Bucket List is so unattainable now that I am sick. The goals and dreams I had, had to change as I changed. But I focus on the now and not the past. I don't allow myself to get caught up thinking about how my boat went off path, or how its looking a little worse for wear then the other boats my age. 
I refuse to sink. I refuse to run. I refuse to do anything other then be me and be the best version of me that I can given my journey.

Gentle hugs,

#HAWMC Day Two

Hello lovelies,
Let's get right into Day 2! 

What's the blogging process look like to you? 

There are certain things I like to do to keep organized with my blog. The thing is, lately I haven't been blogging because I've been flaring. Had I gotten ahead in my blogging schedule I might've been able to keep it up. But before my mini break here's how I would plan to blog. 

Write a list of blog post ideas I have. 
Whenever I have an idea I jot it down right away. I keep all my ideas in one place. Having them all in one place also helps for planning out the week and making sure I have variety in the three blog posts for the week. 

Plan your blogs for the week
I love to planner, and love my planner so I write down the blog posts I want to do for the week to keep me motivated, ensure I have variety in my posts and focus on those posts to ensure they are published in time. 

Blog three times a week
I like to blog Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. I read its a good idea to blog numerous times a week to get people engaged in your blog. 

Blog about different things.
I like to have a little variety of topics to post about. I find writing about spoonie issues take more time and takes a lot more concentration and there is absolutely no way I could write about spoonie things three times a week. I have a lot of interests and find it fun to do quick and easy posts on coloring books and make up, as well as the meaningful ones on spoonie topics. When it comes to those spoonie posts I only write when I feel inspired, I absolutely cannot write unless I feel motivated and creative. 

In regards to the process of writing a post, I never usually write a post in one go. If its a post needing a lot of photos I usually do those first- taking the photos, watermarking them and uploading them to my computer. Being a spoonie I find it very draining to blog so I often save the post and have rests in-between writing. 

I'm sure others have their own style in blogging, but thats mine. 
Gentle hugs,

WeGo Health #HAWMC- Day One

Hello lovelies, 
I hope when you're reading this you're having a wonderful day. 

For November, WeGo Health has created The Health Activist Writer's month Challenge. WeGo is a wonderful organization that highlights people who work at spreading awareness for illnesses and diseases. There is a prompt for each day for bloggers to write about, mostly surrounded your illnesses/conditions/diseases. I discovered the challenge whilst scrolling through my twitter feed (@bridgetparker). I haven't actually mentioned on my blog but I was nominated for a WeGo Health Activist Award for Chronically Jewelled's Instagram! I'll admit that before I was nominated I wasn't aware of who they were, and I am so glad to now be part of their community! 

I haven't been blogging recently as I've been flaring rather bad and resting as much as I can. I've also been working on something special that will launch soon so whenever I'm online I've been focused on that. I have been feeling a little better, and feeling a little guilty that I haven't been blogging, so this challenge came around at the perfect time. I am several days behind but I do believe I can catch up to join the challenge as I believe it's a great one! Over the next year days I'll be posting the first 6 days to catch up, after that it'll be back to once a day for the challenge. 

Day One Prompt:

What drives you to write about your health? 
What do you want other Health Activists to know about your condition and your activism? 

For me, I believe there are a few reasons I write about my health. Firstly I feel it's incredibly cathartic to put thoughts and feelings out into the universe. There's something soothing and healing about writing through struggles, as well as venting about the frustrations of being chronically ill. There's such a wonderful validation in posting what you feel in your heart and having someone say "that's exactly how I feel!". 

There's also a blessing in having others relate to your journey and connect with you on that level. In a post I wrote about Anxiety and Fears as a Spoonie I had a lot of people reach out to me and thank me for writing about something that they often think about but don't talk about. I did get a little backlash from my family with that one, and I'll admit it put me off blogging for awhile. But those who didn't understand now do, and for those who did understand, totally supported me. 
I've learnt that there are lots of things that us spoonies think about and worry about but don't tend to voice. Maybe because we don't know how other's will react to what we feel? Maybe saying it out loud solidifies the scary thoughts we have about life and death and loneliness and isolation that chronic illness can bring. 

I want to be someone who not only lived with chronic illnesses, but turned them into a positive. I want to spread awareness of invisible illnesses and broke the stigma surrounding them. I want my life to count as something, and have people know I helped as much as I could. It started with jewellery, then Facebook support groups, a blog for spoonies and soon to come a special website for spoonies to connect, be motivated, celebrated and supported.

Gentle hugs,

Monday 24 October 2016

Spookathon Wrap-Up

Hello lovelies,
I hope you are having a Magnificent Monday!

Today's post will be a short one as I am currently flaring.
Last Monday I shared with you my picks for the read-a-thon "Spookathon". With this event having come to an end for me I wanted to share with you what I actually read and a mini-spoiler free review on each one!

Scare Tactics by David Whitehead
This was the first book I read, as well as the shortest/easiest to read. It was full of short stories and I really enjoyed it. I'm going to pass it on to a friend as I don't think I'd re-read it.

Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
I wanted to re-read this series and continue it on as I do believe I only read the first 6 or so books. It was a fun quick read and I'm desperate to continue on as soon as possible! If you like supernatural books and want quick and easy reads I'd recommend this series.

Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
I went into this not knowing much about it and it was a surprising read. I'm not too big of a fan of sci-fi reads but I did really like it. I personally am not super happy with how it ended, but for what it was I think it ended well. I'd recommend it for people who like sci-fy or want to read something a little different.

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins 
I devoured this book in 4 hours! It was certainly one I couldn't put down, and one that I was constantly trying to work out the ending! I found it interesting following a character that had an addiction. I found myself often being frustrated with her and what she did as a result! I really liked this book and would like to read more like this!

Talon by Julie Kagawa
Unfortunately I only got 30% of this finished for the Spookathon so it doesn't really count. I am enjoying this so far and can see myself continuing on this series in the future!

Did you participate in Spookathon? If you did let me know what you read!
If you have any book recommendations for me please let me know down below in the comments!
Gentle hugs,

Friday 21 October 2016

Top 5: Lipsticks

Hey lovelies,
I hope you're having a fantastic Friday!

Today I wanted to share my five favourite lipsticks! I picked my top five based on several things including colour, pigmentation and formula.

Top to bottom:
Lipland Cosmetics "Creme Corsett" 
Milani "Matte Blissful" 
Colourpop "Westie"
Maybelline Color Drama "Minimalist" 
Shanghai Suzy "Miss Leah Baby Cocoa"

As you can see from these swatches I have chosen five nude colours. This wasn't intentional, I only realised this when I swatched them. I personally love a good pink nude so I guess this just proves what I already knew! Let's dive in to my Top 5 and discuss why I love them. 

Lapland "Creme Corsett" Ssssamantha collaboration 


I hadn't purchased anything from Lipland Cosmetics before but I was a supporter of the beauty guru/all round awesome woman Samantha Randaval. I knew her love of the perfect nude, and after seeing swatches of the lipstick I had to have it. I wasn't let down at all by this collaboration! Not only is this the perfect colour, the formula is perfection. The formula is incredibly creamy and feels wonderful on the lips. The swatches above are ONE swipe of the lipstick! It is by far the creamiest most pigmented lipstick I have ever owned and has good staying power. I plan to purchase some more Lipland lipsticks if this is the kind of quality I can expect! 

Colourpop Lippie Stix "Westie" 

The hard thing about including a Colourpop colour is that they often get rid of colours, luckily this colour is one of their most popular and its still available! Obviously the price of Colourpop products attracts people to their brand, however I am also impressed with their Lippie Stix formula. I find the formula very creamy and nourishing.  They glide on and smell lovely. They have such a wide range of colours and at $5 USA a lippie stix, I'd recommend you give them a go! 

Milani Color Statement Matte "Blissful"

We don't have Milani in Australia so this was something I picked up on eBay. This is hands down the best colour/shade I own! I love the pink/mauve tone of it and feel that it compliments my pale and cool skin tone. The formula is creamy and nourishing despite being a matte. It and has good staying power. I own a few other shades in this range and they are all also wonderful, however Matte Blissful is the best colour for me by far! I plan on buying some back ups! 

 Maybelline Color Drama "Minimalist" 

I don't own too many Maybelline lipsticks, but I do own quite a few of these Color Drama crayons. They are SO incredibly smooth to apply to the mouth which I wasn't expecting at all. They feel very nourishing on the lips, and the colour range is great. This colour is a very subtle colour, I do also love the orange/red shade "Fab Orange". The staying power isn't there, but as they are a dream to apply I'm personally fine with that. 

Shanghai Suzy "Miss Leah Baby Cocoa" Whipped Matte Lipstick

Shanghai Suzy is a cruelty free, vegan, Australian lipstick brand that I've come to love over the last few years. Shanghai Suzy produce seasonal colors which means they don't have a permanent line. I love this back at the same time it can become very expensive because I personally fall in love with the colours and want the entire seasonal collection! Miss Leah Baby Cocoa has been one of their most popular colours and has been brought back on two occasions because of this. Shanghai Suzy have many different formulations including the Whipped Matte, Nourish, Shimmering and Semi-Matte). The products themselves are fruit scented and the best smelling lipstick I've ever purchased! 
I may do a blog post on the collection I currently own as I have quite a few. 

What are some of your favourite lipsticks? I'd love to know in the comments below!
Gentle hugs,

Monday 17 October 2016

My Spookathon Picks!

Hello my loves,
I hope you are having a Marvelous Monday!

Today I'm starting the Spook-a-thon, a challenge reading marathon running from October 17th to the 23rd. 
I haven't done any reading marathons this year so I wanted to give this new one a go, and I really like the challenges that have been set out. I've managed to use books that I have wanted to read (re-read in the case of the Sookie Steakhouse series). The only challenge I had was picking a 2016 release.
So my five books along with the challenges are:

A book with a paranormal character: Dead Until Dark
I read a lot of this series a few years ago, but I really wanted to re-read it and catch up. I've watched the tv series (True Blood) but know it deviates a lot from the book series so I want to read the books again and separate it in my mind. I think this is the book I'm most excited to read this one. 

A book with a spooky word in the title: Scare Tactics
I grabbed this book from a library book sale. It's just been sitting on my shelves for a year or so.  I figure I can read this then pass it on to someone else. 

A thriller: Girl on the Train
This has been on my TBR for awhile, and with the movie now showing I really wanted to get this read so I could go watch it! 

A 2016 release: Dark Matter
This was the hardest one for me to do as I didn't have a 2016 release to read so I looked at what others wanted to read and picked this one! 

A book with a red cover: Talon 
Another book that was on my TBR that I just kept passing on. It's such a stunning cover and I knew as soon as I saw this challenge I would have to pick Talon! 

Next Monday I'll do a wrap up of what I've managed to read and a quick review on them. I'd love if you want to read along with me! Come tell me on Twitter- @bridgetparker and we can support each other!
Gentle hugs,

Saturday 15 October 2016

Haters Back Off of the Fibromyalgia jokes.

This post may contain spoilers for Haters Back Off. 

Maybe I'm too sensitive, maybe I was looking to far into it, but  after watching the new Netflix series "Haters Back Off" last night I was really irritated. Don't get me wrong- I love Miranda and quite often watch Colleen's videos. I was incredibly excited to spend my Friday night watching her new series and exploring the world of Miranda Sings. But I couldn't shake the irritation I felt from Episode One throughout the entire series of misconstruing invisible illnesses- especially Fibromyalgia. 

One joke I can handle,  I can play it off to ignorance, but the "fake illness" theme runs throughout the entire series as the mother uses this illness (she called it her "undiagnosed Fibromyalgia") for sympathy as well as pity. Bethany uses a wrist brace as a visible way of showing people she is "sick". She used Fibro as an excuse at her job, asking customers to lift their heavy objects and scan/check out for themselves because her Fibromyalgia meant she couldn't do it/she couldn't be bothered doing it herself.  
There is also a relationship between Bethany and a man, who clearly has some sort of sick desire for a disabled partner. When Bethany begins to act as if she is well he loses interest in her. There is a scene in which he is seen sitting on the lap of a women in a wheelchair- his new love interest. 

During the final episodes Miranda's mum is "actually" diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)Now that she actually has a diagnosed illness the wrist brace comes off, she stops looking for pity and her behavior changes. You see Bethany taking medication when her alarm goes off, you see her trying to tell Emily (her other daughter) that she is sick (and Emily not believing her due to her past hypochondriac ways), and you see a blurry tv screen when her medication is due. Fibro patients deal with all of this too. They struggle telling people what is wrong with them- especially because of the stigma surrounding it and they take medication throughout the day (I have alarms for mine to remind me).

During the last episode Bethany tells Miranda what is wrong. She talks about how scared she is and how she feels she's drowning with the weight of what is happening to her. There was no mention of this when she was pretending to have Fibro, it was like a fun novelty for her to tell people she was "sick". When I was first diagnosed with Fibro I too felt like I was drowning. I had no idea what was wrong with me, why all of a sudden I was dealing with such severe pain throughout my body and why I was so exhausted from simple activities. It was incredibly scary having my body protest to the way I was living and within 2 years of my diagnosis I was unable to do the things I used to love, including working and studying. 

I get that Miranda's mother isn't sick when she claims she has Fibro, that she is pretending to be sick for pity. I understand she doesn't really have Fibro and it's just part of her being a hypochondriac. However the stigma that invisible illnesses aren't real is such a huge issue people such as myself face. This show has inadvertently solidified what a lot of ignorant people feel to be true, that we are just faking it. I also wonder- are there people out there pretending to have Fibromyalgia like Bethany, thinking this illness isn't real but wanting attention from having it? Is that why Haters Back Off used Fibro? 

It also brings up the point that people don't realize how debilitating life with Fibromyalgia can be. It's not just a sore arm that a wrist brace can make feel better. It's severe pain throughout the entire body, pain that doesn't go away, that exhausts your body, your mind and your spirit. It's extreme fatigue that a cup of coffee or a good night's sleep doesn't cure. It's fatigue so deep in your bones the thought of a simple task like washing up feels like climbing a mountain. It's severe brain fog that makes writing this blog post a challenge, one that before being sick I could've done within minutes, now taking hours. 

Whilst I don't believe the show meant to intentionally made fun of Fibromyalgia, it has shown the ignorance of society and how far we have to go to have people change what they believe about invisible illnesses. The show has once again reminded me that to some people, Fibromyalgia isn't recognized as a real illness. The tweets commenting on how funny the Fibro jokes in the show were confirmed that. 

I have worked SO hard, so freaking hard to make invisible illnesses visible. I've worked SO hard to show society that just because you cannot see how sick we are, doesn't mean that we are faking it or looking for pity. I have lost of many friends who didn't believe me and didn't support me. 

I wasn't the only person who was disappointed in the jokes. I've had a few people on Twitter contact me via the tweets I wrote about it sharing how it made them feel. They too were irritated with the way Fibromyalgia was portrayed and how it confirmed the stigma. 

Have you watched Haters Back Off? How did the Fibromyalgia jokes make you feel? I'd love to start a dialogue in the comments below.

Gentle hugs,

Monday 10 October 2016

Colouring Book Review- Spellbinding Images

Hey lovelies,
I hope you're having a magnificent Monday!
Today I am reviewing Spellbinding Images in anticipation for Halloween! 

Title:  Spellbinding Images: A Fantasy Coloring Book of Witches: Extended Edition (Volume 1)
By: Nikki Burnette
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Number of Pages:  108

This Extended Edition of Spellbinding Images was released on August 18th. In this edition, Nikki has included Minis and Grid Drawings which I personally think is fantastic! The original 20 pictures that were in the original Volume One are included in this book as well so please be mindful if you have the original.

The pages are one sided which is great if you'd like to use markers or paint. The paper is a medium thickness allowing a variety of medias to be used. 
The paper is a bright white. 

I love having some mini pieces to colour on the days you don't want to colour a large piece/don't have the energy or time but still want to colour something. 

I love the inclusion of the grid drawings! I am not the world's best drawer so I am excited to give these a try. Nikki has included some tips and tricks for grid drawing as well which is both thoughtful and helpful! 

Sample page I coloured using alcohol markers One Touch 

This book is perfect for anyone who loves fantasy colouring, as well as for the Halloween season! I really like the style of the pieces in this book and will definitely be adding more of Nikki Burnett book's to my Colouring Book Wish List! 

Gentle hugs,

Friday 7 October 2016

MakeUp Geek/Beauty Bay Haul

Hello lovelies,
I hope you're having a fantastic Friday!

Today I want to share with you some new make up goodies that I grabbed from Make Up Geek via the Make Up Geek website and Beauty Bay.  I am a massive fan of MUG and Marlena, the owner of the company so when I saw that Make Up Geek recently released some new foiled shadows, signature shadows and their first highlighter palette I had to snag some of them! I initially did an order on the MUG Website. I then decided I wanted to try a blue foiled eyeshadow and I needed another Z-palette. Instead of paying for double shipping I decided to purchase those two items from the Beauty Bay website as they have free shipping for orders over $26! 

I ordered the following from the Make Up Geek website:
Kathleen Lights Highlighter palette
Foiled Eyeshadow- Curtain Call
Foiled Eyeshadow- Epic
Foiled Eyeshadow- Sorcery 

I ordered the following from the Beauty Bay website:
Extra Large Z Palette
Foiled Eyeshadow- Centre Stage 

Shipping wise it was a little slow however that has nothing to do with the companies, this time of the year shipping gets slow so try and be aware of that if you order Oct-Jan and allow extra time. 

Let's take a look at the products and I'll give you a quick first impressions on them! 

Make Up Geek Foiled Eyeshadows 

Top to bottom colour names: 
Curtain Call
Center Stage

These foiled shadows are really something every makeup lover needs to purchase! It's a formula like no other on the market. The pigmentation is incredible, with barely any fall out at all. They have such wide variety of colours to suit all eye colours, skin types. I love these all over the lid to add a little sparkle, they really make your eyes pop! These foiled eyeshadows also work for all different eye looks. I really like to pop a light foiled shadow on the days I don't want to make much of an effort. Funnily enough I always get compliments the days I do that! 

Make Up Geek x Kathleen Lights Highlighter Palette

This highlighter palette is in collaboration with Youtube Beauty Guru Kathleen Lights. It is the first release of the MUG Highlighter formula which is based on their foiled eyeshadow formula. 
The back of the slide off case. 

The above photos are of the front and the back of the highlighter palette. 

As you can see the pan sizes are HUGE. As both Marlena and Kathleen mentioned, the highlighters do look dark in the pan. For that reason I didn't jump to buy it at first because I am so terribly pale. However I did want to try the formula as I had a feeling it would be fantastic. So after watching a lot of reviews I decided to take the plunge and get it. I knew I could pull off at least the pink shade. 

 From the swatches you can see that the bottom shade is too dark for me to use as a highlighter. I knew it would be and plan to use it as an eyeshadow as I have a huge love of bronze shades.
The shade names from top to bottom: 

My first impression of these highlighters is that I am rather impressed! I popped Starlight on my cheekbones and found that it was subtle at first (which I loved) and could be built up to that mega WOW impact highlighter that some people love. I've gotta say- right now this is going to the top of my highlighter ride or die! I cannot wait for MUG to release their individual highlighters later this month! 

Z- Palette Extra Large 
I needed a new Z-Palette and decided to grab an extra large one. I haven't decided what to do in regards to my every day palette and my foiled shadows. I'll do another blog post when I decide how I want to lay them out!

So there is my haul! I love getting new make up, especially such good quality make up from a wonderful brand! 

Gentle hugs,

Thursday 6 October 2016

What the Heck do I say?

Hello lovelies,
I hope you're having a wicked day. 

Society is a funny thing. Meeting new people fascinates me but it does cause me a little hesitation these days as a result of being sick.
When we meet new people we love to engage in conversations- mostly small talk/getting to know you stuff. Some of that small talk stuff doesn't work well with me anymore. I dread having to do that dance when it involves people learning anything about me- I prefer to remain a mystery and ask as many questions as humanly possible about the other person. Most people love to talk about themselves, or even just vent about their life and I am a willing listener. But ask me to talk and I have no idea what to say. 

You see, being sick isn't fun to talk about. Asking me about my job, where I live, if I'm in a relationship , if I have kids or what I'm up to on the weekend leaves awkward silence as the other person tries to work out what to say. There's no witty way to say- "well I don't have a job, I don't have any kids, I'm single and 29". 

For some reason that sentence sends some sort of panic through people. I can see it in their eye, because I've given them nothing to follow up with. If you tell someone you're married they ask "Do you have kids". If you tell someone what you do for a living, the follow up with asking what your job entails. For me, they ask, "What is wrong with you" and that's just such a barrel of fun to talk about..... 

Whilst I know some spoonies probably work (I admire you if you can, and send sympathy if you are forced too), have kids, have wonderful partners, a lot of us don't. Some of us have to live with family due to the stress of medical bills. Some aren't in relationships because people they've been with can't handle the demand a spoonie partner needs (yeap- people actually walk away because of that). Some don't have kids because they physically can't due to their medical conditions. Whilst someone people are genuinely confused and put off when you say "I don't have a job, I don't have any kids, I'm single and 29". 

So what the heck do I say?
How do I break the ice once I've spilled the beans on the current status of my life and the state of limbo that chronic illness can put us in?
Admittedly,  I don't go into meeting a stranger with "I don't have a job, I don't have any kids, I'm single and 29". It's more of a gradual thing when they go through the motions, ask the questions and put the pieces together.

But is there a way for me to change the way society views me, or does society's views need to change? Do I need to discuss "what's wrong with me" so that I can share part of my life with someone or am I entitled to keep that to myself even if I have nothing else to share with them? I guess I've realised writing this piece that people just want to know each other's business! We feed off other people's stories and lives.
For now I guess I'll continue awkwardly meeting people, deflecting their questions and getting to know a heck of a lot about them whilst silently praying they don't ask about me. 

So I want to know, what the heck do you say to people when this happens to you?
Gentle hugs,

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Cooking with a Chronic Illness: Pesto Pasta

Hello Lovelies,
I hope you're having an excellent day!

Before I go further let me acknowledge that I am not a professional cook/chef. Let me also acknowledge that the photos aren't too great for this post. Being chronically ill, by dinner time my body is sore and exhausted so I didn't put in a heck of a lot of effort re:the photos and lighting. But the leads me to why I'm starting this series- Cooking with a Chronic Illness.

Since becoming sick I've found cooking to be one of the hardest tasks. As I said, by the time dinner rolls around I'm not interested in standing up near a stove making a delightful meal. I was always stumped at what to prepare to feed my body that wouldn't leave me in too much pain and discomfort for the rest of the evening. So I created a Facebook group of the same name. I felt like others had to be struggling like I was, maybe we could come up with some ideas of our own to battle the challenging of cooking whilst having a chronic illness. It's been good to share ideas on easy meals and have others understand the struggle.

The recipe below is one I came up with randomly after seeing lots of pesto pastas on Pinterest.

Pesto Pasta

Cubed Fetta
Chopped up BBQ Chicken 

Note: You can add in or change this to whatever you like. I use BBQ chicken as I find it easier, but sometimes I use cooked chicken breasts. Sometimes I add bacon also. It really depends on what I have in the fridge. 

Cook pasta
Drain pasta 
Place pasta back into pan and onto heat
Add chicken, pesto and feta to taste (I usually add about a tablespoon of pesto.)
Stir until mixed through (I usually mix through for 5 minutes)

I'm not one for measuring things so I apologise if that is something you'd prefer. I find that this is such a fool-proof recipe that it would be hard to mess it up! 

It might not look amazing but it tastes wonderful. It has turned into one of my favourite comfort meals! 
Let me know if you try it in the comments below or tag me on Instagram (@beautifullybrokenbridget

If you'd like to join the Cooking with a Chronic Illness Facebook group the link is below!

Monday 3 October 2016

Bullying and how to Unify against it.

Hello all, 
I hope you're having a sensational day. 

A few nights ago I couldn't sleep. Usually I fall right to sleep thanks to my sleeping pills, but on the odd occasion it takes a little longer. When this happens I tend to overthink and having lots of memories race through my head. It's usually of the things that happened the year I got sick (the things that lead my body to just give up) but this time it was of how badly I was bullied in school. I have no idea why my mind rested on it, but it did and the memories flowed back. 
You see, I was the token fat girl, that was all I was seen to be. I was so deeply self conscious of that fact and tried every thing I could to be one of the skinny girls. I tried all the diets, but nothing worked as I have medical issues that cause the weight gain. 
I remember the daily taunts, the looks, the laughs. I remember trying to fight against it- which made it worse. I remember not knowing what the point of being so cruel was. I knew that after high school things would be different, people would be different, but the current hell I was facing was hard. I developed anxiety as a result. Every afternoon getting home from school I was back in my safe space. But when night time creeped around, and the morning alarm came on, I was riddled with anxiety of what the day would bring. 
I remember one of my "friends" making a joke in the middle of class that I liked a certain boy. I, in fact didn't. But it was found as a source of entertainment, even to the boy and his friends. I was later told by the "popular girls" that approached me about it that he planned to ask me out, then when I said yes he and his friends would laugh in my face. I was actually thrown a bone on that one and the girls stopped it. But thats typically how my days at school went down. Deep anxiety, lots of laughing at me and me desperate to get home to my safe space.
That night whilst I was thinking about all of this I realised how lucky I am. Lucky that I had a safe space at home. Social media wasn't what it is today and the taunting only happened mostly at school. These days..... the children and teens of today. Where is there safe space? There isn't a way to get away from the constant harassment of these sad bullies (who I learnt later in life were projecting their sad lives onto mine).
Two days later, today, I had a full circle moment when I was asked to join the #UnifySelfieChallenge. A movement during the National Bullying Month to spread the message that you are not alone, that there are people out there that support and love you. I remember never really telling anyone how bad the bullying was. I kept it to myself as people would tell me to ignore the bullies. I was silenced a lot. I want children and teens today to realise their voice matters. That the don't have to suffer in silence, that they shouldn't settle on being tormented day in, day out.

Take a look at their video explaining the challenge, and have a look at their Facebook page. I'd love if you would also get behind this movement. Post your #unifyselfiechallenge on social media!  Their goal is to have the hashtag reach 50 states and 50 countries in the next 50 days.
 Take part- for your brothers, sisters, friends, children and for you.

You are not alone. 
Speak up and tell someone what is happening to you. 
Support will always be there.

Gentle hugs,

Friday 30 September 2016

September Favourites

Hello lovelies, 
I hope you are having a fantastic Friday!

I had planned for this post to have lots of lovely photos to correspond with all of this month's favourites, however being a spoonie took over. This week I've started a new medication to lower my blood pressure and it's totally knocked me around! I'm incredibly nauseous and dizzy so my focus is resting and not the blog. Hopefully by next week I am back in the swing of things. 

I cannot believe we are at the end of September! This year has flown by. I'm not mentally ready to admit that we are approaching the holidays at all. I am excited for all things Halloween now that Australia does somewhat celebrate it! Stay tuned for some posts on Halloween decorating and cards! 
I wanted to share some of my favourite things about the month of September. I don't want to just share products, but memories/highlights also. 

Colouring/Reading Light 
It sounds simple but it has been a huge help! Sometimes late at night (not really late but late for me!) I like to colour in but don't have great lighting. This little light has been awesome in helping me see what I'm colouring in. It also can attach to a book for late night reads. 

New hair 
This month I took the leap and went to a hairdresser for the first time this year. Yes, this year. I used to be the girl who religiously got their hair done every 12 weeks. But spoonie life happen and I got sick of the pain of sitting in a hairdresser chair for hours on end, as well as the expected flare afterwards. After dyeing my hair myself I was over the colour and desperately needed a good cut. I am so so happy with how my hair turned out. I suffered a flare afterward but I've learnt that sometimes a flare is warranted if we want to do something for ourselves.

In September I took up blogging again, which has absolutely been a highlight. I've loved sharing parts of my life with the internet and opening myself up a little more his month. I'm hoping in the following months I can open up more and talk about topics that really matter to me. 

The Secret Life of Pets
After seeing the preview for this months and months ago I knew I had to see this movie! I have been going to the movies more often these days as its an activity I can do that requires little effort/energy. This movie was lots of fun and there were lots of laughs. 

Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas
Empire of Storms was released September 6th and I was SO excited to get my hands on a copy! The Throne of Glass series is one of my all time favourite- a kick ass female lead character with the stunning storytelling of Sarah J. Maas. I've been prolonging finishing the book because I don't want it to end! 

Melt Subscription 
This month I feature the Belle Lumiere Boutique Monthly Melt Subscription pack on my blog. I absolutely love having floral and fruity scents in my room and loved the section I received for September.

In my Ride or Die tag this month I mentioned that I don't wear false lashes. Towards the end of the month I started playing around with them and fell in love with them! I've ordered lots of different lashes and I'm looking forward to trying different styles. 

MakeUp Geek Foiled Eyeshadows 
These are a forever favourite, but in September I loved doing easy eye looks with that amazing high sparkle pigment packed on the lid. I especially loved Whimsical and Flamethrower. Makeup Geek recently released a bunch of new Foiled Shadows and I have ordered some. I'm excited to do a haul post soon!

I'd love to know in the comments below what some of your favourite things about September were!

Gentle hugs,
Images by Freepik