Thursday 6 October 2016

What the Heck do I say?

Hello lovelies,
I hope you're having a wicked day. 

Society is a funny thing. Meeting new people fascinates me but it does cause me a little hesitation these days as a result of being sick.
When we meet new people we love to engage in conversations- mostly small talk/getting to know you stuff. Some of that small talk stuff doesn't work well with me anymore. I dread having to do that dance when it involves people learning anything about me- I prefer to remain a mystery and ask as many questions as humanly possible about the other person. Most people love to talk about themselves, or even just vent about their life and I am a willing listener. But ask me to talk and I have no idea what to say. 

You see, being sick isn't fun to talk about. Asking me about my job, where I live, if I'm in a relationship , if I have kids or what I'm up to on the weekend leaves awkward silence as the other person tries to work out what to say. There's no witty way to say- "well I don't have a job, I don't have any kids, I'm single and 29". 

For some reason that sentence sends some sort of panic through people. I can see it in their eye, because I've given them nothing to follow up with. If you tell someone you're married they ask "Do you have kids". If you tell someone what you do for a living, the follow up with asking what your job entails. For me, they ask, "What is wrong with you" and that's just such a barrel of fun to talk about..... 

Whilst I know some spoonies probably work (I admire you if you can, and send sympathy if you are forced too), have kids, have wonderful partners, a lot of us don't. Some of us have to live with family due to the stress of medical bills. Some aren't in relationships because people they've been with can't handle the demand a spoonie partner needs (yeap- people actually walk away because of that). Some don't have kids because they physically can't due to their medical conditions. Whilst someone people are genuinely confused and put off when you say "I don't have a job, I don't have any kids, I'm single and 29". 

So what the heck do I say?
How do I break the ice once I've spilled the beans on the current status of my life and the state of limbo that chronic illness can put us in?
Admittedly,  I don't go into meeting a stranger with "I don't have a job, I don't have any kids, I'm single and 29". It's more of a gradual thing when they go through the motions, ask the questions and put the pieces together.

But is there a way for me to change the way society views me, or does society's views need to change? Do I need to discuss "what's wrong with me" so that I can share part of my life with someone or am I entitled to keep that to myself even if I have nothing else to share with them? I guess I've realised writing this piece that people just want to know each other's business! We feed off other people's stories and lives.
For now I guess I'll continue awkwardly meeting people, deflecting their questions and getting to know a heck of a lot about them whilst silently praying they don't ask about me. 

So I want to know, what the heck do you say to people when this happens to you?
Gentle hugs,

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