Monday 3 October 2016

Bullying and how to Unify against it.

Hello all, 
I hope you're having a sensational day. 

A few nights ago I couldn't sleep. Usually I fall right to sleep thanks to my sleeping pills, but on the odd occasion it takes a little longer. When this happens I tend to overthink and having lots of memories race through my head. It's usually of the things that happened the year I got sick (the things that lead my body to just give up) but this time it was of how badly I was bullied in school. I have no idea why my mind rested on it, but it did and the memories flowed back. 
You see, I was the token fat girl, that was all I was seen to be. I was so deeply self conscious of that fact and tried every thing I could to be one of the skinny girls. I tried all the diets, but nothing worked as I have medical issues that cause the weight gain. 
I remember the daily taunts, the looks, the laughs. I remember trying to fight against it- which made it worse. I remember not knowing what the point of being so cruel was. I knew that after high school things would be different, people would be different, but the current hell I was facing was hard. I developed anxiety as a result. Every afternoon getting home from school I was back in my safe space. But when night time creeped around, and the morning alarm came on, I was riddled with anxiety of what the day would bring. 
I remember one of my "friends" making a joke in the middle of class that I liked a certain boy. I, in fact didn't. But it was found as a source of entertainment, even to the boy and his friends. I was later told by the "popular girls" that approached me about it that he planned to ask me out, then when I said yes he and his friends would laugh in my face. I was actually thrown a bone on that one and the girls stopped it. But thats typically how my days at school went down. Deep anxiety, lots of laughing at me and me desperate to get home to my safe space.
That night whilst I was thinking about all of this I realised how lucky I am. Lucky that I had a safe space at home. Social media wasn't what it is today and the taunting only happened mostly at school. These days..... the children and teens of today. Where is there safe space? There isn't a way to get away from the constant harassment of these sad bullies (who I learnt later in life were projecting their sad lives onto mine).
Two days later, today, I had a full circle moment when I was asked to join the #UnifySelfieChallenge. A movement during the National Bullying Month to spread the message that you are not alone, that there are people out there that support and love you. I remember never really telling anyone how bad the bullying was. I kept it to myself as people would tell me to ignore the bullies. I was silenced a lot. I want children and teens today to realise their voice matters. That the don't have to suffer in silence, that they shouldn't settle on being tormented day in, day out.

Take a look at their video explaining the challenge, and have a look at their Facebook page. I'd love if you would also get behind this movement. Post your #unifyselfiechallenge on social media!  Their goal is to have the hashtag reach 50 states and 50 countries in the next 50 days.
 Take part- for your brothers, sisters, friends, children and for you.

You are not alone. 
Speak up and tell someone what is happening to you. 
Support will always be there.

Gentle hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Bridget, on behalf of the Unify Against Bullying family, thank you for sharing your story. Your courage and commitment to helping others will serve as an inspiration to those touched by bullying. Sending you much strength and gratitude from the United States! (If you look closely at the video's thumbnail, you'll notice a tip of the Hat to our friends in Australia). :)


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