Wednesday 5 October 2016

Cooking with a Chronic Illness: Pesto Pasta

Hello Lovelies,
I hope you're having an excellent day!

Before I go further let me acknowledge that I am not a professional cook/chef. Let me also acknowledge that the photos aren't too great for this post. Being chronically ill, by dinner time my body is sore and exhausted so I didn't put in a heck of a lot of effort re:the photos and lighting. But the leads me to why I'm starting this series- Cooking with a Chronic Illness.

Since becoming sick I've found cooking to be one of the hardest tasks. As I said, by the time dinner rolls around I'm not interested in standing up near a stove making a delightful meal. I was always stumped at what to prepare to feed my body that wouldn't leave me in too much pain and discomfort for the rest of the evening. So I created a Facebook group of the same name. I felt like others had to be struggling like I was, maybe we could come up with some ideas of our own to battle the challenging of cooking whilst having a chronic illness. It's been good to share ideas on easy meals and have others understand the struggle.

The recipe below is one I came up with randomly after seeing lots of pesto pastas on Pinterest.

Pesto Pasta

Cubed Fetta
Chopped up BBQ Chicken 

Note: You can add in or change this to whatever you like. I use BBQ chicken as I find it easier, but sometimes I use cooked chicken breasts. Sometimes I add bacon also. It really depends on what I have in the fridge. 

Cook pasta
Drain pasta 
Place pasta back into pan and onto heat
Add chicken, pesto and feta to taste (I usually add about a tablespoon of pesto.)
Stir until mixed through (I usually mix through for 5 minutes)

I'm not one for measuring things so I apologise if that is something you'd prefer. I find that this is such a fool-proof recipe that it would be hard to mess it up! 

It might not look amazing but it tastes wonderful. It has turned into one of my favourite comfort meals! 
Let me know if you try it in the comments below or tag me on Instagram (@beautifullybrokenbridget

If you'd like to join the Cooking with a Chronic Illness Facebook group the link is below!

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