Monday 5 September 2016

Health Update

Hey lovelies,

I wanted to do a health update as the last six weeks or so has been absolute madness in regards to having tests, preparing for surgery and having surgery. I will do a seperate blog post on my wisdom teeth surgery and recovery as a spoonie very shortly.

A few months ago I had an infection in one of my wisdom teeth. Up until then I haven't had any issues with my wisdom teeth and assumed that if I wasn't having problems they didn't need removing! I went to a dentist who referred me to an oral surgeon. I had some X-rays done and the oral surgeon told me my mouth was very crowded and all 4 wisdom teeth need to come out. They are also all impacted! Given my situation and my health issues I was kindly put on the Public Hospital list and given the date of August 10th.
I had a Pre-Admission appointment July 15th at the hospital and had a blood test done before seeing the registered nurse. As I was having my consult the nurse popped a blood pressure cuff on me. The experience was horrendous. I think maybe now I have Fibro I am extra sensitive to the pressure, plus the cuff was the wrong size. It hurt so much I almost fainted! As a result my blood pressure sky rocketed to 265/210!!! Naturally the nurse freaked out at the blood pressure and had an anaesthetist come and chat to me. It didn't help that during this time they were not putting me at ease and making comments such as "with stats like this you won't live to see 50". They had me do an ECG which showed how anxious I was. They decided they wouldn't allow me to have surgery until I saw my GP, was put on blood pressure meds and have a plethora of tests done to ensure that I didn't have a tumour on my kidneys or an enlarged heart.
I was an emotionally mess during that time. My body was exhausted from having all these tests  done and running around getting it sorted in such a small space of time. I was emotionally exhausted from the waiting and worrying that something was seriously wrong with me.
All the tests came back fine in regards to my heart, however it showed I was low in iron and my cortisol was high. I was put on blood pressure medication to lower my BP.
I was approved for surgery about a week before my surgery date so I was able to have my wisdom teeth surgery as planned.
The Blood Pressure meds my doctor gave me didn't help lower my blood pressure so my doctor has changed the medication. I'm monitoring my BP at home with an at home blood pressure machine. It still isn't at a normal rate so the medication may need to be increased again. I also may be given beta blockers as my pulse is rather high.
I had an iron infusion last Monday. That wasn't too pleasant. In fact, I almost fainted which I don't usually do over a needle!
Since there has been so much going on with my health lately, and now with having high blood pressure and low iron, it's become evident that I really need to look at my nutrition. I do struggle with preparing meals with my energy levels and back problems. I would really like to start juicing again as I felt much better when I did. So I will try to get that up and running soon and do a blog post on it.
I hope you are all well!

Gentle hugs,

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