Thursday 8 September 2016

Evolving Little Miss Fibro Fighter

Hello all,

Over the weekend I made the leap and renamed my Facebook page Little Miss Fibro Fighter to Beautifully Broken, Chronically Strong. I wanted to do a blog post on this and discuss why the sudden change.
Little Miss Fibro Fighter started when I was 25 and when I was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I think I went into it naively putting a cute title on what I soon learnt was a not-so-cute journey. At the time it worked, but four years onwards I feel there has been such a huge change for me physically, mentally and emotionally.
For one, I've racked up more illnesses (when I'd prefer to rack up books or make up). Whilst Fibro is still my "main" illness, others such as CRPS, M.E. and Spondylolisthesis really do impact my daily life. I decided I didn't want to pigeon hole myself by just having Fibro in my title.
At the age of 29, using "Little Miss" seemed a little too cutesy for my liking. I felt like I needed a more "grown up" title and one the better reflects me now and in the future. I feel like within the last 4 years I really have gone from a young adult to an adult who might be a little broken in some places but very strong because of it.
Something I doubt will ever change about me is my need to take on a lot of things to busy myself and help out others. I run several support groups on Facebook, a jewellery page and a few Instagrams. Even though I have all these places to chat about chronic illness, and just life in general, I feel like I haven't been able to find a place to really share what I'm thinking and feeling. That could also be because I've isolated myself a lot lately. I have so many thoughts I want to share but I never know where to blurt them all out. If I want to post about make up- do I put it in the beauty group? If I want to post about my health- do I put it in a spoonie group? I feel like I'm constantly chasing posts all over the internet so I wanted to mainstream some things and combine my Facebook page and blog into one so there's one place for me to post.

So with all that being said, I felt the need to change. I felt like I wanted to write more, share my thoughts and feeling more and push myself out of this hermit like state I've found myself in.
Here's to the next chapter.
Here's to being beautifully broken and chronically strong.

Gentle hugs,

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