Sunday 10 January 2016

Reading Goals for 2016

Hey Loves,

Last year I had a wonderful year of reading. I managed to smash my original reading goal of 50 books and instead reading 109 books! Being chronically ill I'm home 24/7 and reading is something I can do when I'm stuck in bed with a flare. It's also a great way to distract myself when I'm in a lot of pain. Reading has been such a blessing!

My 2016 GoodReads Goal is again 100 books. A daunting task at the beginning of the year!
I also plan to once again do the M.S Readathon in August and hopefully raise awareness and some money for those fighting M.S.

Below is a list of books I want to have read by the end of 2016. These are books I wanted to read last year and didn't get a chance to read. As any book lover my TBR constantly grows!
(I realise Finding Audrey is on there twice).

I plan to post monthly my goals for at the beginning and how I went at the end.
Here's to a wonderful 2016 of reading and getting lost in amazing worlds.

Until next time,
Gentle hugs

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