Friday 17 July 2015

Spoonie approved cups and mugs

Recently I saw a photo one of my friends took of her sitting in the sun reading with the gorgeous gold mug. I'd never seen a mug like it and knew I needed it in my life (this is the part where I tell you that I have a shopping addiction).

Looking on the Typo website I found these great shaker cups as well. These designs are sold out online but you can still grab them in some stores- so I had my friend look in her local Typo and found the designs I wanted/needed/desperately dreamed of.

They arrived this morning and I'm REALLY happy with them for a few reasons. I think that these would be really good for spoonies because...

  • They are both nice and big- I personally like that because I don't want to continually get up to refill my drink. It's definitely a spoonie plus!
  • For those left handers out there the mug is PERFECT because the lid comes off so you can move it to suit holding it in your left hand. As a leftie myself I haven't found a cup that lets me drink comfortably.
  • The Shaker Cup's lid screws on! I think this is the BEST idea for spoonies- I personally always drop my cups so having the lid stay on gives less risk of spilling my drinks everywhere.

I've never been so excited to drink before!


Shaker Cup

Gentle hugs spoonies,

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