Monday 19 June 2017

Spineforce- Treatment One

Hello lovelies,

I'm writing this a few days after my first Spineforce treatment, and boy I am wrecked! But lets take it back to the day and discuss my first session.

As I told you in my last post, I was really excited leading up to my first session. I was (and still am) putting a lot of faith in it working and having some sort of relief.

I don't want to publicly give the name of the technican of the sessions, so let's just call her "E". E was also the technican last time I did Spineforce and I really love her. She also suffers chronic illness so we are connected on that level of understanding. She knows pushing yourself when you suffer chronic fatigue is more of a hinderance then help to your health.

So at the start of the session we chatted a little about my health and how my foot and back were. E mentioned that my foot injury would impact the treatments and make it a little harder for me. For those who don't know, December 2014, halfway through my Spineforce treatment, I broke/shattered my right foot. It will never be the same again and now has Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) in it. E asked me to stretch my foot every day to help loosen up my foot and calf muscles. I have been stretching a few times a day since Thursday and it has helped the flexibility a lot already.

If you want to know the basics of how the machine works during a session, check out the video below. It will help understand what I'm talking about with my progress on the machine in the future.

We started off with a round of the machine without the base moving. I quickly remembered the push and pull techniques for the handle bar thingys and realised how sore I was going to be! We added in the base movements which made reaching the targets a lot harder. The aim whilst on the machine is to reach the target number (or you can use the bullseye but I prefer using the numbers). For this session my target was a 3, we started off on the Discovery mode also- so really really easy paced.

Despite it being a very easy session, I felt it a lot in my right leg and foot, as E expected. She said my leg was "like concrete" and I absolutely need to stretch before each treatment. The rest of the day my leg and foot ached quite a lot. We ended with planning out the 16 sessions, Medicare approving 2 sessions a week. I was expecting to be doing 3 sessions a week for 3-4 weeks, but I'll be doing 2 sessions a week for 8 or so weeks. It probably work out better in the end only doing 2 sessions a week because it'll give me more time to recover in the long run.

I'll update you after a few more sessions on how I am going, I won't be writing blog posts after every session.

I hope you are all well.

Gentle hugs,

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