Thursday 31 December 2015

Goodbye 2015!

I apologise for the long break on my blog! I'm back now- craving to write and share my life. 
Well 2015 is almost done and dusted! What an interesting year!
Health wise I saw several specialists, gained more diagnosis’ and had some epic flares. But on a positive note I learnt that its ok to push yourself- in fact mentally it feels like a wonderful win!
I was able to actually KEEP a 2015 goal and I really learned to love skin care. Thanks to Rachel I was also able to fix my acne scarring!
Chronically Jewelled was a big hit in 2015- with pride I can say I have helped spread awareness of chronic illnesses. My aim in life is to spread love, joy and happiness. Between Chronically Jewelled and the spoonie groups I admin (like SML!) I feel I have accomplished this.
I spent a truck load of money on post- but loved sending and receiving cards and letters. The simple highlight of having love in the mailbox every day was such a blessing!
With some house renovations I now have a wonderful new room. A fresh coat of paint and new flooring has made my room so bright and cheery. I still have work to do on it but it was well worth the hard work and effort (mostly my family’s effort not mine LOL).
I valued special friendships in 2015. You know who you are- I am forever grateful for you. You hold my heart when I’m sad, you hold a punching bag when I’m angry and you hold my hands when I’m happy! Sometimes I need time away from social media to decompress and just “be” and you respect that and let me.
I had wonderful support of my Mum, Dad and sister this year as I always do. 2015 was hard on my body and you always helped whenever I asked and whatever I asked.
I know I’m missing so many other aspects of 2015 but brain fog means I’ve completely forgotten. LOL.
What were your highs and lows of 2015?

I'll share my 2016 Goals in my next post. Some exciting times ahead!

-Bridget xoxo 

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