Sunday 24 July 2016

Processing World Events as a Spoonie

It seems every morning when we wake up, every time we check our Twitter feeds and Facebook news there is a new hashtag for a tragedy happening somewhere in our World. I can say words like "Orlando", "Nice" and "Munich" and you will immediately know the terror that has recently occurred. I can say #prayforOrlando #prayforNice #prayfortheworld and you recognise the hashtags that are created after violence and bloodshed. You can immediately think of the family and friends who have used those hashtags as well as the celebrities, social media influencers and world leaders.

Whilst some people can hear these tragic news stories, pop up a hashtag on social media and move on with their day- others feel it so incredibly deeply it's harder to process and move on.
Every single time I hear of a shooting, a terror attack or any act of violence my heart physically hurts. I can spend hours scrolling through my Twitter feed reading about what's happened and want to break down and cry.

I have noticed that people become very aggressive online and posts can become heated, especially regarding these events. I don't understand the anger, especially towards strangers online in the midst of the tragedy and this also upsets me. I feel things so deeply and I'm not the only one. I've always been very empathetic towards others and always wanting to heal people's hearts. It is a wonderful quality to have, but as someone who is chronically ill it can also be a spiral towards a flare. For me personally all emotions, be it celebratory or heart wrenchingly sad, cause some sort of a flare.

So I wonder- in the current state of the world, how do we emotionally process these events and prevent a flare? My thoughts and actions are below. 

Some people may recommend ignoring these news stories, switching tv channels and scrolling past posts. However ignorance isn't bliss. I personally believe knowledge is power and knowing what's happening in the world, to our fellow human beings is vital.

I found by reading on social media about the world event, taking in the personal stories of those effected I was acknowledging and recognising the people who's lives had been changed and therefore shown respect to them.

I have learnt to allow myself a time limit. To not let it consume my entire day to try and therefore hopefully reduce the chance for a flare the next day. This leads into my next suggestion.

Let go of the guilt. I at times have felt guilty for reading a news story but not doing anything more then that. We as empaths already feel so much, it's ok to not devote our energy or pick up on other's energy in some instances. We cannot feel everything, it would be impossible to and soul destroying.

I have always spread kindness- be it through sending friends cards and presents or doing giveaway's through Chronically Jewelled. Random Acts of Kindness is a great way to contribute positivity into the world through times of tragedy. The idea of RAOK is for you to perform an act and the person receiving it then passes it forward in a RAOK of their own. This can help you feel you are making a difference, as small as it may seem.

I have learnt to be kind online. If I have a differing opinion on something I don't need to express it. Some times it's best to just move on. Avoid getting into heated debates online over silly things- this can anger and frustrate you which can lead to a flare.

Do what's best for you whilst still acknowledging what's happening in our world. Recognise that what's happening in our world is horrific. Do what you can to put a smile on someone else's face (and therefore yours!). Remember to love. Remember to live.

I have noticed a lot of us spoonies are empaths. I often wonder if this may have something to do with us being sick. In the comments below- how do you process world events? Do they effect you on a deep level?

Gentle hugs,
Images by Freepik