Saturday 3 January 2015

Why try?

I'm the type of person who will go above and beyond for other people. And sometimes it's to my own detriment. I find it so fascinating that some peoples mission in life is to make others miserable. I wonder if they know on some level that they are stirring the pot just because they want the attention of being the one to break calm waters? Do we dare delve deeper and say it's from an unhappy childhood or sad unhappy life? Or are they just arseholes.
I kinda wanna go with the latter.

Until next time,

Friday 2 January 2015

Don't mind me!

So I recently broke my foot pretty badly. Combine that with chronic illness Im in a bit of a state. I'm not having much help with either my dad or my sister helping me out. Even with simple things like offering to make my breakfast. As you can imagine making breakfast in a wheelchair is really hard. I'm not able to use crutches as much because I'm so weak. 
Today they had a fight over a stupid lounge. And both stormed out of the house leaving me alone. As usual. I actually found it more entertaining today than annoying. Maybe because I'm getting used to it. To being alone and looking after myself. 
Images by Freepik